
What Scares You?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’m always reminded this time of the year about the day I decided to take a leap of faith. Initially, I had nothing to do with the start of Lent. At this moment roughly three years ago, I was plastering my hair with extra hold hairspray, lathering on makeup and giving myself a pep talk in the mirror. It was my final show at 33/40 on the anchor desk and the end of a career that began at 18. I had always envisioned it ending with my forcible removal from the desk at a very ripe old age. But the fear of missing out on my daughter’s lives lead me down a different path.

A Wise Man Once Said

In mass, a priest once discussed an upcoming hike to the Appalachains and packing for the trip. His advice- think about what scares you the most. If you fear being cold, pack warmer clothes. If you fear being hungry, pack more food. Catholic homilies are long. I got lost in thought, wondering, “What scares me? And how do I fix it?”

A Scared Mom Once Admitted

Back in 2017 when I first start pondering that question during Lent, I feared for the safety of my children in the wake of bomb threats to their Jewish pre-school. I also feared about their ability to grow up in a beautiful, colorful world filled with diversity, love and respect.

A Wiser Mom Once Decided

Since then, I’ve made a commitment going into Lent to show more love to my neighbors, especially those who are suffering. We say “yes” and recommit to service opportunities, like providing canned food to a local Food Pantry, clothing to the warming shelter, and a home cooked meal to the women and children living in a homeless shelter.

I love Mardis Gra, King cakes and all the revelry that comes with Fat Tuesday. But it’s also a day of preparation. If you haven’t decided on a way to observe the season, consider searching your soul and find a way to conquer your fear.


I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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