Mothers Note to Self for 2018
Explore Life

Welcome 2018! New Year, New Resolutions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Happy New Year! A new year brings a new resolve, a new start and new plans. For me, those new resolutions involve doing a little less (to a degree) and a new resolve to unplug, be present and play.

Five days into 2018, and I’m overwhelmed already by exhaustion. I said, “yes, yes, yes” to nearly every opportunity in 2017. Was I involved in the community? Yes. Was I engaged? Yes. Was I ever home? Not unless you count time spent sleeping.

Most people start January 1 with a set of new intentions. Not me. My “new year” begins a few days later on my birthday, January 4. It’s now become a tradition giving me a few extra days to take a step back and re-evaluate what I’ve done, what I want and what goals are truly feasible over the next year. These last few days, especially the evening filled with constant dinner interruptions with texts and emails about Girl Scout cookie sales, made me realize that I need to slow down, put the phone down, turn off the tv at night and connect with the real world.

Be Present, Play

My girls are at a fun (and at times challenging age). They are so curious always seeking new adventures and exploring. They want me there for every step of the way. It’s a blessing. Granted, I could do without the constant companionship EVERYWHERE I go. There are certain places, in particular a restroom, where everyone should be able to go for just a few minutes, even 30 seconds alone. Right?! But this year, I’m taking a cue from them to play, explore and learn new things. Be forewarned- pictures of nightly vaudeville-esque shows will probably start filling my social media feeds.

UnplugMothers Note to Self for 2018

Unplugging also means staying off my phone, off Facebook, off Twitter, off Instagram and turning off the tv once the girls are in bed. Ok, I will be turning on my iPad. But instead of opening an app, I’ll be opening a digital book. I’ve already read an entire Jane Austin novel in the last few days. It makes me wonder…. how much time do I waste every night watching tv or “connecting” on social media?

Don’t worry, I’m not calling for a social media/digital blackout, just a time out a little more often. I’ll still be blogging (and even exploring a new project or two).

Happy New Year!



I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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