Eat Life

The Great Baking Disaster (Video Included)

Reading Time: 1 minute

The holidays are here. Like any good mom, I’m rolling out to dough to decorate Christmas cookies with my children. It’s fun, right? Not really. Baking is rather stressful. By the time I done, my kitchen is covered in sugar and flour, mysterious goop cakes nearly every baking tool, smoke is bellowing out of the oven and this master chef is often in tears. If I had a cooking show, it would be called, “The Great Baking Disaster.”

For those who follow this blog, you may recall my many adventures with ugly cake. But there was also the time that I made muffins out of bread flour in high school, which lead to the declaration that I needed to transfer from private to public school in order to take home economics. Even last night, I asked my mother what granulated sugar was. Good thing she was already standing in my kitchen or I wouldn’t have caught that look of disbelief on her face. I can’t bake.

But I’m changing that by using Betty Crocker’s 24 Days of Cookies to learn how to bake and make fun, messy memories with my girls. Day 1 was a success…. once I figured out what granulated sugar was. My children may have been caked in icing by the end of the night. I also may have realized while in bed that I didn’t complete one recipe. But it’s all about the journey, right?!



I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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