
Why Don’t We Say Thank You More?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Thank you- one of the first phrases every child is taught. We expect them to immediately follow any kind gesture with those words. Thank you for the milk…. for the compliment…. for picking up the dropped toy… for catching the wayward ball… etc. Yet, as adults, we don’t use those words nearly enough.

Four bomb threats at my daughters’ preschool prompted quick responses from local fire and police departments. I was so incredibly grateful for their urgency to get to the school to make sure my children and roughly 280 others were safe. I still am.

A Thank You…. and an Unexpected Response

I called the mayor’s office. Words failed me. Thank you was not enough, so I cried. My next call was to the police station. It prompted tears…. for an entirely different reason.

A female officer answered the phone. I told her that I wanted to speak to someone in the police chief’s office to thank him for the department’s dedication to keeping my children, my community center and my neighborhood safe. Her response? Shock. She said, “no one ever calls to say ‘thank you.'” It broke my heart.

Why don’t We Say Thank You?

These men and women sacrifice time with their own family. They work under stress, long hours, heat, cold and many other intense conditions. They are sometimes meet by people in their own communities with hostility. They wear many uniforms as police officers, firefighters, deputies and service men and women. And they do all this to keep us safe. So why don’t we say thank you?

Thank you is eight letters. It takes a few seconds to utter. That time won’t derail our plans for the day or make us late to appointments. It’s polite. It shows respect and gratitude. It sets an example for our children.

Thank a Friend, Neighbor, Stranger… Anyone

Think about the last time a stranger said “thank you.” How did it make you feel? Did you smile? Did those words inspire you to do something kind for someone else?

I’ve stopped every law enforcement and service person in sight over the last few days to say “thank you.” Sometimes those words aren’t enough, so my family (yes, even my pint-sized blessings) are focusing on our actions. Actions speak louder than words… or so they say. We’ll find out.


I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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