Summer Bucket List

Reading Time: 2 minutes Store shelves are stocked with school supplies. Supply lists are out. Tax free weeks are approaching. Summer is quickly coming to an end. With school starting in less than three weeks, each day is becoming more precious. To make these last few weeks without after school activities, homework and other obligations that seem to steal …

Toddler’s Guide to Magic Kingdom

Reading Time: 6 minutes These days, it’s all about princesses. One of my daughters is always singing a song from a Disney princess movie. (Currently, “Let It Go” is replaced by Moana’s “How Far I’ll Go.”) Someone is always in a princess costume, wearing a princess shirt or shoes or only answering to Belle. So if you only have …

Can’t Miss Disney Attractions for Toddlers

Reading Time: 2 minutes Planning your magical vacation can be a little stressful. You want to see it all…. all while avoiding lines. Our trips to Walt Disney World with our three and four-year-old daughters have ranged from just a day to four days. You CAN have a fun-filled trip making memories without staying a week. Today, we’re sharing …