Heart Cake

Reading Time: < 1 minute I LOVE this recipe. Of course, the cake’s heart shape symbolizes love. But what I really love about this cake is how easy and foolproof it is to make. Yes, for once, I didn’t destroy the cake during assembly. Supplies 9 in. round cake pan 9 in. square cake or brownie pan 1 box of …

Ugly Cake

Reading Time: 3 minutes I can’t bake. There, I said it. Put a spatula and a box of cake mix in my hands. Stand back. A task seemingly dummy proof ultimately results in one heaping, hot mess. The more colorful the requests- a unicorn cake, sparkle rainbow frosting, or multi-layer “surprise,” somehow produce the masterpieces now affectionally known as …

Spring Party Cake

Quick Easy Easter Cake

Reading Time: 3 minutes Rating (2/2 adults; 2/2 toddlers)   Growing up, my sister and I were always in charge of Easter dessert. We loved creating fun bunny cakes. It’s a tradition that I wanted to pass down to my children. Here’s the problem- last year, we spent too much time searching for Easter eggs and not enough time …