
Sexual Misconduct is Not Okay.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There’s the saying, “no news is good news.” When it comes to Alabama politics, that’s certainly the case. In the last 24 hours, a few Alabama politicians have shown the entire nation how quickly progress can be undone and why victims of sexual assault don’t come forward.

As a woman, a Christian and a mother of two girls, I am sick to my stomach.

I have been sexually harassed in copy rooms, edit bays, newsrooms and even in a state capital. I will never forget the unwanted touches. I was in my 20s. I was at the start of my career. I was ashamed. I feared backlash. I feared no one would believe my accusations against men in positions of power. I’ve never had the courage to publicly discuss the incidents. Perhaps I should’ve. Perhaps it would save another woman from the same unwanted, inappropriate attention and embarrassment.

Until 24 hours ago, more victims were courageous enough to come forward and share their stories. I cannot image that’s the case in Alabama any longer.

Politicians are elected into office for their judgement and their values. But what are those values in Alabama? They may quote the Bible and attempt to use it as a shield against their hate and hypocrisy. But clearly, the book they hold so dear is not the same one I grew up hearing read in church. How could any relationship between a 14-year-old child and a man ever be likened to or even justified by Mary and Joseph’s story?

Hollywood has made it quite clear in the last few weeks that older adults sexually preying upon children will not be tolerated. Accusations will quickly end a career. But in Alabama, the blame apparently falls on the accuser. At least, that’s what one state representative thinks. He believes the four accusers in an alleged incident involving a congressional candidate sexually assaulting a 14-year old decades ago should face legal action. He also states you can’t be a victim 40-years later.

There should be absolutely no doubt in our minds why many victims do not come forward and why it may take years, even decades to make the decision. In a mere day, a few elected Alabama politicians have attempted to destroyed all the progress made in the last few months about having open, honest conversations and creating a safe environment for victims to seek help. It’s embarrassing. It’s unacceptable.

These are not my values. This is not the world that I am willing to raise two girls in. Sexual assault is not okay. Sexual harassment is not okay. Any kind of sexual misconduct is not okay. End of debate or at least it should be.


I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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