Advocate Life

I’m a Mama Bear

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Yep, I’m one of them- a mama bear that will do anything to protect my cubs. I even have a stamped necklace bearing the moniker and the image of a bear with two cubs in tow. That’s me.

The Evolution of the Mama Bear

A group of moms at my daughter’s preschool earned the title following bomb threats at the school earlier this year. We helped start interfaith dialogues and play dates within our community, lobbied for stricter punishment for individuals who threaten schools and places of worship, asked for additional safety funding and organized a city-wide rally to celebrate our diversity. We were jokingly referred to the mama bears and the name stuck. While we gained experience advocating for a cause, we also found something more precious- friendship.

Our Mama Bear Family

My mommy friends have always kept me sane from the moment I felt that first kick in gut. I’m lucky. During the hardest, scariest moments of motherhood, my circle expanded to include women of different faiths. We shared hugs, laughs, frustrations and fears. Most importantly, we held each other up. We could put aside the tough mask that we wore for our children and out in the community. We could be vulnerable. We could be scared. We could be searching just as hard for answers and for understanding as our young children. We had each other. If nothing else, this past year has reinforced the fact that I need my mommy friends, my fellow mama bears. I encourage every mom to find your own mama bears. Here’s why….

5 Reasons Mama Bears Should Stick Together

  1. Let’s be honest- raising children is hard. No one understands that more than a fellow mother.
  2. Can’t get a child to sleep through the night? Having trouble potty training? Issues with a potty mouth? Ask another mother for advice. She may be dealing with the same problem. Better yet- she may have already found a solution.
  3. We mother on instinct. That maternal instinct may have had you waking in the middle of the night to check to make your child is still breathing or doing other things that your husband views as “paranoia.” Talk to another mom. Trust me- she’ll understand.
  4. Motherhood often calls for some perspective… and laughter. We carry so many scars and war stories from our dens. No matter how odd your child’s behavior may seem, I can assure you- another mother has seen it before… and at least another can probably describe something a little more “unusual.” While you are at it, just go ahead and throw out any notions of “normal.”
  5. Support can go along way. There’s no better person to be help lift you and make you feel okay during those hormonal, emotional and insane moments of motherhood.

Bottom line: It does take a village to raise our little cubs. Mine is filled with Mama Bears. I wouldn’t want it any other way.


I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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