
Make a Date with Dad

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our lives revolve around dates and appointments with the doctor, a teacher, colleagues, friends, a playgroup, and your spouse. But when was the last time you made one-on-one plans with your dad or mom? My husband recently took my daughters out on Father’s Day for a special meal (see picture above). The excitement and stories about their princess dinner inspired me to make a date with my dad.

It’s about talking on the date.

Certainly not our best pictures. My selfie skills could certainly use some improvement. But notice the relaxed smiles?

I’m close to my family- emotionally and physically. My parents live about a mile away. My husband works with them. In addition to Sunday night dinners, we probably talk almost every day about upcoming plans, what my children did, how a big meeting went, etc. It’s your typical family dinner table chat. If you’ve ever dined with a small child, you know how it goes- You sit down. Someone needs milk. You pick up your fork. Someone drops their fork. Halfway through a story, and someone is pushing all the food off their plate in outright refusal. You get them to calm down then someone needs to go to the restroom. You attempt to finish that story you started and someone needs help washing hands. You return and…… um…. what was I saying?

Over a few beers and sushi rolls, I was able to focus all of my attention on my father. I didn’t have to tune out the noise of a busy house filled with screaming toddlers or a barking dog. I was able sit, relax and truly listen and connect.

It’s about bonding.

How many conversations do we have as parents about bonding with our young children? Or searching for activities to do together to create memories? But what about making new memories with our parents? My dad taught me how to ride a bike, showed me how to shuck oysters and introduced me to so many different types of food (and wine). He also took me on what (in my opinion) was a disastrous fishing trip due to a lack of indoor plumbing and little change in scenery over the course of several hours. But as a fellow adult, there are so many new adventures and memories awaiting us.

It’s a great chance to explore a common interest.

Sushi Class
The student is intent on perfecting his sushi roll technique

My dad and I love sushi. My husband doesn’t care for it. My mother is allergic to any fish. I’ve always wanted to learn how to make sushi. But I wanted company in class. My dad- the man who introduced me to sushi- was the perfect companion. And our father-daughter date was the perfect excuse to tick something off our bucket lists! Think about your shared interests even compare bucket lists. You may discover your father may be your perfect partner to your next class or outing.

Let’s be honest. A date with dad may sound a little creepy or perhaps boring. But ours was a blast! It was fun shaking things up by learning a new skill, unwinding and talking without interruptions… all while making new memories. This may now officially be my go-to gift for dad. (Don’t worry. I didn’t blow any big surprises. My dad isn’t reading this blog. At least not, yet…)


I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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