
DIY Tutus

Reading Time: 2 minutes

These tutus are too too cute and easy to make! Each tutu costs around $5 and can be made in under an hour. It’s the perfect craft or accessory for any ballerina, princess or fairy.

Supplies for Tutus

  • Measuring tape
  • 3- 4 rolls of tulle per tutu
  • Elastic
  • Optional: felt for leaves/flowers or ribbon for bows


  1. Get a waist measurement, and subtract that number by 3 inches. That’s how long your piece of elastic should be to account for stretch.
  2. Sew or tie the elastic ends together to make a band. (TIP: If you tie, leave the ends as short as possible on the knot.)
  3. Cut pieces of tulle into 22 inch strips. (TIP: If making an adult tutu, use 44 inch strips.)
  4. Place the band around a book, chair back or your leg. (I prefer using my leg because it doesn’t stretch the elastic. Do NOT leave the elastic stretched around a larger object for long. Trust me- the elastic band will stay stretched to a larger size.)
  5. Fold each piece of tulle in half to form a loop.
  6. Run the loop under the elastic band.
  7. Pull the tulle ends over the elastic and through the loop. Tighten. (TIP: Don’t tighten too much or you will stretch the elastic.)
  8. Continue until the elastic band is covered.
  9. Optional- Tie some ribbon to the band to create a bow. Or cut out leaves or flowers from felt to create a whimsical fairy tutu. You’ll need to leave space to cut a slit into the top of the leaves or flowers to attach them to the elastic band. Use the same method as you did with the tulle by running the top under the band, wrapping the bottom over the band and pulling it through the loop. (TIP: If using felt pieces, save some space when attaching the tulle or pull some pieces out.)

Tada! You now have a too too cute tutu. Share your tutu pics on my Facebook page or find me on Twitter @honoragtvĀ  .



I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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