Interfaith Prayer
Advocate Life

Hope for My Daughter’s Dream

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“My dream is for everyone to be friends.” My daughter wore a shirt to school with those words printed across her heart. We made it a few months ago during a discussion about what kind of world she wants to live in. That was before the bomb threats at her Jewish school.

Raising Kind, Compassionate Children who Dream

As a mother and Christian, I wonder if I am doing enough to raise kind, respectful and compassionate children who will stand up for the suffering. I often hear the words “I have a dream…” spoken by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. nearly 54 years ago. What would he think of the world if he were alive today?

If he could’ve witnessed the gathering of Christians and Jews from the Birmingham, Alabama area today, I think he’d be filled with hope. I am.

Listening, Living the Gospel

Nearly 30 churches and Christian organizations donated money to help enhance security at Jewish campuses in Birmingham following four bomb threats. More than $111,000 was raised. They didn’t expect praise or accolades. They wanted to help and gracious made a pledge to raise funds.

These fellow Christians are making the place where my children learn, swim and dance safer. They are also showing my children that the Gospel isn’t simply something you hear in church on Sundays. It’s how you live your life.

Loving our Neighbors

I didn’t understand the “thank yous” from parents of my children’s Jewish friends about taking a stand against the hate. Why wouldn’t I?

As one teary-eyed mother explained, Jews didn’t even get support here in the U.S. during World War II. There was no outcry for the lives of six million Jewish men, women and children who were killed during the Holocaust. But now, they are not alone. Their neighbors are showing them love and support.

It made me cry.

We’re stronger together. The hate that was meant to tear us apart has only brought new friends into our lives and reaffirmed a commitment to support people of other faiths. Perhaps, there is hope for my daughter’s dream.


I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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