Make a Date with Dad

Reading Time: 3 minutes Our lives revolve around dates and appointments with the doctor, a teacher, colleagues, friends, a playgroup, and your spouse. But when was the last time you made one-on-one plans with your dad or mom? My husband recently took my daughters out on Father’s Day for a special meal (see picture above). The excitement and stories …

How One Mother, not an Emmy, Changed Lives

Reading Time: 3 minutes News is dominated by assignments, deadlines and good story telling. There are the newsroom deadlines and your own personal ones. Mine included making it back to network by the age of 30 and winning an Emmy. I never received that call. When an Emmy nomination came later and without a win, surprisingly, I was perfectly …

Dance Family

Good Try, Mommy

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Good try, Mommy.” Dinner may be burning, a stack of folded laundry may now be covering the floor or better yet, the latest DIY project may resemble something cobbled together during toddler art time when I hear a tiny voice utter those words. They’re reminders that I’m always being watched. And it’s not only okay …

You Said You’d Support Us, You Didn’t

Reading Time: < 1 minute To the Alabama House of Representatives: You said you’d support the LJCC and the Jewish community in the wake of bomb threats. But you didn’t. When it came to taking the necessary action, you failed. I remember the words very clearly- “This body stands with the Jewish community and others affected by these threats.” After …

Cleaning Up for Success

Reading Time: 2 minutes I’m refereeing clean up right now. Not five minutes in, and flags should already be thrown for holding, delays, and (very) unsportsmanlike conduct. We’ve even dealt with two minor injuries from tripping (over their own toys). I want to jump in, start cleaning and get the job done. But I can’t. Here’s why- they need …