Magic Elf Antics

A Lesson from Two Naughty Elves

Reading Time: 2 minutes There’s something magical about the arrival of our elves. Alright, it’s a bit messy. A path of destruction tends to lead our family’s way to their departure on Christmas morning from snow angels left on the kitchen counter to the scaling of our Christmas tree. You never know where you’ll find them or what they’ll …

Fairy Door Magic

Fairy Doors: Secrets to Unlocking Sleep

Reading Time: 2 minutes The sun may have set long ago. The lightning bugs may have ceased their nightly show hours ago. But two little princesses are still racing from room to room, demanding water and refusing to sleep. Getting them to stay in bed and fall asleep was always a 1+ hour chore before the fairy door. The …

Teaching Kids About Money

Teaching Kids About Money

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Paper money!” The wrapping paper ripping and squeals of delight over new toys came to a halt win the treasured $20 bill was pulled from a gift bag. “Mommy, it’s paper money,” the girls kept screaming. To a 5-year-old and soon-to-be 4-year-old, they’d just hit the jackpot. What Can $20 Buy? For me, $20 on …

I’m a Mama Bear

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yep, I’m one of them- a mama bear that will do anything to protect my cubs. I even have a stamped necklace bearing the moniker and the image of a bear with two cubs in tow. That’s me. The Evolution of the Mama Bear A group of moms at my daughter’s preschool earned the title …

I’ll Never Forget His Sacrifice

Reading Time: 2 minutes Grills are fired for barbecue. American flags are flying from houses, cars and even boats. Many people are ready to light up their own fireworks purchased from those trailers alongside the interstate. All of the Fourth of July festivities will all culminate with a big fireworks show. But the preparations for the big summer party …