Six Years of Motherhood

Reading Time: 2 minutes Giggles, chatter and footsteps. Those little steps growing louder and closer. I’d spent a night in and out of bed soothing fears and refilling water cups. All were failed attempts to get a gaggle of excited girls to sleep. I’m exhausted. What was I thinking in allowing my daughter to invite nine first grade girls …

Mommy is Running Out of Gas

Reading Time: 3 minutes At 4:30 pm, the countdown starts. 30 minutes. Two pick ups. Two children to get changed, fed and to ballet, gymnastics, tap, or Girl Scouts’ across town. I survive it most afternoons…. barely. But there’s no time for error or detours, not even to get gas. In the midst of the carpool chaos a few …

All that Jazz, All those Books

Reading Time: 3 minutes We rouged our cheeks and pulled our stockings on. The girls and I even slicked our hair and buckled our shoes for a night filled with toe-tapping and all that jazz at a local theatre. The night lived up to the razzle, dazzle of numbers from the Broadway musical, “Chicago.” But somehow, this weekend’s standing …

I See Danger, They See Adventure

Reading Time: 3 minutes The sun had set hours ago. Most of the campers had gone to bed or decided not to make the drive until the morning. Two women and three girls were navigating an unfamiliar path through the dark woods to their campsite. A loud rustling of dry leaves to the left sends flashlights swinging toward the …