While Dad is Away, Mom Will Pay

Reading Time: 3 minutes Damp, snot-filled tissues litter the bed. Periodically, a stiffened one falls from a sleeve or the nightstand. I can hardly open my eyes. Any sound or sudden movement could make my head explode and then it comes….. “Mommy, I can’t find pants.” “Can I watch tv?” “I forgot to do my homework.” “Mom, I don’t …

Neighborhood Kids

Neighborhood Kids

Reading Time: 2 minutes The sun is setting. A light breeze picks up, and the temperature begins to fall. The day is nearing an end but a closed door can’t block the laughter, excited chatter and tiny shrieks. I haven’t seen my children in hours. But it’s dinner time, so I walk outside to call them home. Following the …

5 Times Parenting is a Horror Movie Scene

Reading Time: 2 minutes I love my children. But sometimes, being their mom is downright scary. I find myself waking in the middle of the night terrified by the sounds and paralyzed by the sights. Here are five times when parents suddenly feel like victims in a horror movie. 1. The Demonic Voice via GIPHY The first laugh, squeaks …

Hiking, Climbing Alabama

Reading Time: 4 minutes The muscle aches are gone. Minor cuts are healing. But the purple bruises on my knees are still visible. I’m still finding new wounds, and I cannot tell you where or exactly how I got them. They are temporary souvenirs from an incredible 48 hours of climbing and hiking through North-Central Alabama. The Alabama Beta …