Pint-Sized Delivery to Firefighters

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ask my daughters what firefighters do, they’ll say they put fires out. They’ll explain police catch the bad guys. Until two months ago, their only contact with police and firefighters was at local community events and birthday parties. They would meekly say “hi” and climb aboard a fire engine. Sometimes, they left with plastic red …

Why Don’t We Say Thank You More?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Thank you- one of the first phrases every child is taught. We expect them to immediately follow any kind gesture with those words. Thank you for the milk…. for the compliment…. for picking up the dropped toy… for catching the wayward ball… etc. Yet, as adults, we don’t use those words nearly enough. Four bomb …

Attended our first town hall a few days after organizing

Moms on a Mission for Change

Reading Time: 3 minutes How do we mere mortals rise to greatness? Does one person have the power to make enough noise to create change? What are the odds that an ordinary U.S. citizen can making a lasting impact on his/her community? Great. It began with a Facebook post My post read, “This mom is mad. No parent should ever …