I’m a Mama Bear

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yep, I’m one of them- a mama bear that will do anything to protect my cubs. I even have a stamped necklace bearing the moniker and the image of a bear with two cubs in tow. That’s me. The Evolution of the Mama Bear A group of moms at my daughter’s preschool earned the title …

How One Mother, not an Emmy, Changed Lives

Reading Time: 3 minutes News is dominated by assignments, deadlines and good story telling. There are the newsroom deadlines and your own personal ones. Mine included making it back to network by the age of 30 and winning an Emmy. I never received that call. When an Emmy nomination came later and without a win, surprisingly, I was perfectly …

contact lawmakers for change

An All-Nighter for Positive Change

Reading Time: 2 minutes My fingers ache. My mind is in daze. My computer screen is a blur. No, I’m not sick. I’m just pulling what’s beginning to feel like an all-nighter. Those late night cram sessions, those last minute dashes to the bookstore to buy Spark Notes or those papers written in the wee hours of the morning …

Interfaith Prayer

Hope for My Daughter’s Dream

Reading Time: 2 minutes “My dream is for everyone to be friends.” My daughter wore a shirt to school with those words printed across her heart. We made it a few months ago during a discussion about what kind of world she wants to live in. That was before the bomb threats at her Jewish school. Raising Kind, Compassionate …

drafting legislative

Five Steps to Writing a Legislative Resolution

Reading Time: 2 minutes There are two things you should know about me- I hate excuses and the word “no,” especially when it comes to the safety of my children. That’s why I make it hard for people in positions of power to do either when their public support is needed by drafting a resolution. Yes, calls, emails, letters and even visits …