Neighborhood Kids

Neighborhood Kids

Reading Time: 2 minutes The sun is setting. A light breeze picks up, and the temperature begins to fall. The day is nearing an end but a closed door can’t block the laughter, excited chatter and tiny shrieks. I haven’t seen my children in hours. But it’s dinner time, so I walk outside to call them home. Following the …

Hiking, Climbing Alabama

Reading Time: 4 minutes The muscle aches are gone. Minor cuts are healing. But the purple bruises on my knees are still visible. I’m still finding new wounds, and I cannot tell you where or exactly how I got them. They are temporary souvenirs from an incredible 48 hours of climbing and hiking through North-Central Alabama. The Alabama Beta …

Summer Bucket List

Reading Time: 2 minutes Store shelves are stocked with school supplies. Supply lists are out. Tax free weeks are approaching. Summer is quickly coming to an end. With school starting in less than three weeks, each day is becoming more precious. To make these last few weeks without after school activities, homework and other obligations that seem to steal …

How Unwrapping Became Unboxing

Reading Time: < 1 minute Unboxing. It’s a thing. No, I’m not talking about the simple act of taking a newly purchased product out of a box. That apparently is not unboxing….. unless you film it and upload it to social media. We merely recorded what we thought would be an exciting moment. The Hatchimal was a gift for the …