Mother's Day Ideas

Best (and Free) Mother’s Day Gifts

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A deafening chorus of “my covers are messed up” are coming from my daughters’ bedroom. Apparently, one corner is turned up on one bed. The sheets are tossed off another. Bedtime was an hour ago. They’re still going strong. Me? I’m reminded how the best Mother’s Day gifts are free.

The Gift of Silence for Mother’s Day

I love the giggles, the silly banter and of course, hearing “mommy.” But there are also the fights over baby dolls, the constant demands for milk, snacks, more milk, crying because someone’s leg is crossing some invisible dividing line in the car, etc. Every mom occasionally dreams about some silence, some time alone.

For many, it’s hard to remember taking a shower lasting more than two minutes, soaking in the tub without having bath toys hurled at you, eating a snack without giving half of it up or closing a door to change clothes or use the restroom without a child finding some way into the room (even if it’s just a few fingers under the door). Just give mom some time alone to enjoy the sound of silence this Mother’s Day.

Want to Splurge? Buy her a gift card for a massage or to have her nails done. Pay for a child-free outing for her and her mommy friends. Or send her to a hotel overnight.

The Gift of Sleep

I haven’t set an alarm clock since having birth- seriously. My children always get the job done. They’re early risers. (They’ve recently started sleeping in “really” late past 6 am.) Not me. I’m an eight hour baby. It’s hard to clock those hours when children refuse to go to sleep at night. And once they are asleep, there are dirty dishes, laundry, and lunches to pack.

This Sunday, let mom sleep in. Keeping the children out of the bedroom isn’t always easy. But she’ll wake up refreshed and so grateful.

Want to Splurge? Go get her favorite breakfast or a cup of coffee from her favorite restaurant. Have it ready when she wakes.

The Gift of a Spotless Home

I tell my husband often that I dream of our house looking like a Pottery Barn catalogue. I’m pretty sure all he sees are the dollar signs. What I truly  dream of is a clean, organized house. Everything has a place. You don’t have to worry about falling over shoes, stepping on those tiny but oh, SO painful building blocks, sitting down to find a leaking milk cup on the sofa or walking into the kitchen to find a dog eating snack wrappers now littering the floor. No one likes cleaning. But give it the old college try for Mother’s Day. It will take a few items off her to do list and bring her some peace.

Want to Splurge? Consider hiring a housekeeper to do some deep cleaning or periodic cleaning.

Yes, flowers, a piece of jewelry, perhaps some bubbly are wonderful. But there’s something to be said about simplicity and a break from the craziness. My mother always told us she never wanted anything for Mother’s Day. I now understand. Nothing is simply a polite way of saying, “leave me alone for a bit.”

Happy Mother’s Day!


I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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