contact lawmakers for change
Advocate Life

An All-Nighter for Positive Change

Reading Time: 2 minutes

My fingers ache. My mind is in daze. My computer screen is a blur. No, I’m not sick. I’m just pulling what’s beginning to feel like an all-nighter.

Those late night cram sessions, those last minute dashes to the bookstore to buy Spark Notes or those papers written in the wee hours of the morning weren’t punishment for procrastination. They were preparation for parenthood.

I’ve stayed up pounding back cups of coffee to clean the house, pack lunches, wrap holiday gifts and finalize birthday party plans. Tonight, I’m writing and asking lawmakers to pass legislation to help keep my children and others safe at school and in their houses of worship.

It’s Personal

As I’ve shared with you, my daughters go to a Jewish preschool targeted by four bomb threats earlier this year. It’s a story my lawmakers need to hear too. If you want them to take action on an issue, you need to explain why it’s personal and how your life is affected.

It’s Emotional

I’ve experienced a gambit of emotions from shock to fear to disbelief to anger. I’ve received four calls no parent should ever receive. Lawmakers need to hear that. Let them know how you feel. It may be a foreign experience to them. Emotions are huge drivers in decision making processes when safety is involved.

It’s Not Just About Me

Hundreds of families were directly impacted by these threats. My family is just one of them. It’s important to show the big picture. Explain the impact the issue leaves on the community. This one affects everyone with a child in school AND anyone who worships in Alabama. That’s why this all-nighter isn’t just for my children. It’s for all Alabama families who simply want to safely send their children to school or safely worship.




I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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