
New Perspective

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Glass half full? Or half empty? We’ve all heard the expression. Overused? Perhaps. The question itself is all about your viewpoint and how we tend to frame events as an optimist or pessimist. It took a few kicks in the gut this week and a very different perspective to realize that there are more than two answers.

Bad things happen. Feelings get hurt. We feel trapped, alone and lost at times. It’s easy to think, “woe is me.” As soon as I catch myself wading into those treacherous waters filled with insecurity and pity, I realize- it could be worse.

It never takes long for the universe to deliver that gut check.

A Gut Check

My inbox dings. An email arrives about a teacher who lost a young grandson unexpectedly.

My phone vibrates. A text comes from a friend facing an unexpected battle.

My social media feed buzzes. A post appears from a friend about a child battling cancer. Another from a friend experiencing grief over the death of a loved one. And yet others for prayers for support and healing during moments too raw, too personal to share with the world.

A Different Perspective

I often find myself offering support. That’s when I  realize how important it is to count my blessings. Even in the most heartbreaking moments, there is always some light to be found. Perhaps it’s the friend who brings a meal, the person who sits with you, the child who offers a hug, or even the stranger who smiles and says, “hi, how are you?” Kindness can be found all around us.

Realistically, that glass is filled halfway. If you can reach out and touch it, you can decide to drain it or fill it up.


I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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