
5 Times Parenting is a Horror Movie Scene

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I love my children. But sometimes, being their mom is downright scary. I find myself waking in the middle of the night terrified by the sounds and paralyzed by the sights. Here are five times when parents suddenly feel like victims in a horror movie.

1. The Demonic Voice


The first laugh, squeaks and giggles are precious. You often find yourself smiling and laughing along with them. But the exploration of new sounds often comes with new “voices.” For our oldest, it was a raspy noise reminding us of the possession of Regan in The Exorcist.

2. The Green Baby Food Spit Up


While we are talking about The Exorcist, let’s not forget the green vomit. Who doesn’t think about that scene whenever babies spit up those green peas?!

3. The Shuffling of the Feet


Most parents lose count of the number of times the sound of shuffling feet coming closer and closer wakes them from a dead sleep. Sound is one of the greatest tools utilized by every horror film. Why? Your brain gathers information from what you hear faster. Without seeing what is making noise, your imagination fires up. By the time my children appear at my bedside, my heart is beating rapidly and my hands are clutching the covers tight.

4. The “Voices”


Interactive and talking toys are highly entertaining for children. But at night, these toys always seem to come “to life.” Again, it’s the unknown, strange voices coming from a different room that jerk us out of sleep and going through all of the possibilities of where the sound can be coming from. On one particular night, a talking dog had me waking my husband and searching the house for a possible intruder. A missing zoo puzzle piece had us clearing a room fearing that a hissing noise came from a snake. Okay, just toys. But is anyone else thinking about Chuckie?

5. Being Watched


How many characters wake or turn around feeling that they are being watched only to come face to face with a sinister being? Obviously, the first person to come up with that idea was a parent. For whatever reason, around the age of three, my children and my friends’ children developed the habit of silently creeping into the bedroom in the middle of the night. Instead of waking us, they would stand inches away breathing onto our face and staring. I have yet to experience anything more terrifying than waking to a set of eyes staring back at you.



I left a career in TV news for more time with my two pint-sized blessings and to become a blessing to someone else. It's our messy, beautiful journey.

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